A tractor dumped in the Salmon River
Consequences and Reporting
Federal statutes specify fines of up to $1,000 and/or up to 12 months imprisonment for dumping trash and debris on public land. Illegally dumped trash sites are investigated and offenders held responsible.
Littering on public or private property within the State of Idaho is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months imprisonment and/or a fine up to $1000, with the possibility of eight to 40 hours of litter cleanup (Idaho Statute 18-7031).
Please Report Illegal Dumping on Public Land!
Contact the Bureau of Land Management
email: BLM_ID_DontDumpIdaho@
phone: 1-844-327-5572 (toll-free) or 208-373-4096
In south-central Idaho, call SIRCOMM at 208-735-1911 or BLM Law Enforcement at 208-735-4600.
People Do Care!
Read their comments, see a photographer's exhibit and a group album about dumping on public lands.